Page 21 – DQ Ice Cream Cake and Chicken Strips

“That’s Not A Snake… It’s A MONSTER!!”

Greetings from Des Moines, everyone! I’m here, safe and sound.

Although now I have nothing else to say. Oh well.

See you all on ForM, where my Spider-Man 2 review shall be. Later!

{Addition – 9:27PM}
Review done. Peter’s birthday, today. Eating DQ ice cream cake and chicken strips. *drool*

Lotsa movin’, tomorrow. That’ll be… fun? Eh.

Spider-Man 2…….. wow. Totally different feel than the first one. Go check it out, though. Oh yeah, totally worth the money. I will go again.

Movies I Must See and Review:
I, Robot – (its been hyped a bit too much)
Catwoman – (I can’t believe this movie is actually not a bad dream of mine.)
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow – (oh hell yes!)
and many more…

Well, love to everyone. That means you, and you, and you, and you! But not you, Jeremiah!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
You know, in all my years… I never did see that Catwoman movie. I kinda can’t believe that, honestly. I have willingly sat through a lot of junk.
If I had to do a list of best Comic Book movies, Spider-Man 2 would still rank rather high, I think. But I’m not gonna do that list because I don’t wanna.
I’ve never been a big fan of ice cream cakes. I’ll always prefer regular cake.

Page 21 – Dixie Chicks and Feet

It Could Be Made Into A Monster If We All Pull Together As A Team!!!

My current favorite Pink Floyd song, up there.

Pardon, I’m coming home Thursday nite. My dad has to work Friday, so, that’s that. I guess that means… nothing.

I’m going to watch two episodes of Excel Saga tonite, then watch Millenium Actress, because I can. Then, after inspiration hits me, I’ll wish I could write. But I won’t be able to. Because I’ll be in a van. Going to Omaha. Then seeing Spider-Man 2. Which I’m seeing again Saturday. Who will go with me? Will it be you!?

Well… I got some *shudder* Dixie Chicks to listen to. Rachel, I swear… if you didn’t pick the only CD ever made with feet on it on purpose, then coincidence is just evil. And… I gotta get up early and take the dog in and board her. And… take movies back. Yeah, fun day ahead.

At least the lawn has been mowed, already…

{Addition – Later, such as…. the next day!}
Taking the dog in. I wanna be back home by 9ish. then I’ll give you a real post before I go. Or… not. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
As punishment for forcing music on her, Rachel made me listen to a BUNCH of country music. Including the Dixie Chicks. I was probably nice about it when I gave my opinion when I returned it.

Page 21 – I Really Wanted to See Spider-Man 2 Twice

Move Me Disco – Feel Your Body Let Go


I mowerd the lawn, this morning. That was, uh… fun?!

My posts sure have sucked lately. Hm… I wonder…. Oh well.

Here’s a rundown of my upcoming days that are… upcoming…

Tuesday(today): Mowed lawn, going to maybe attempt to draw  a Jesus Time or two, gonna just start and finish at least the first Narnia book today. Uhm… That’s it.

Wednesday: Going to Omaha around 12:30ish PM. Seeing Spider-Man 2. Hopefully, if its as good as I know it will be, I’ll maybe manage to convince people to go again the same nite. Depending on that, I’ll be either heading to Des Moines this nite or on…

Thursday: I’m moving my older brother, Peter, from appartment 1 to appartment 2. This should prove to be a hot and very difficult experience, since it is summer and I’m moving him upstairs. Depending on how this nite goes, I might convince people to see Spider-Man 2, again.

Friday: Coming back from Des Moines. I’ll probably be driving to and from Iowa since I’ll be living there soon. Fun. If I haven’t gone to see Spider-Man 2 again by Friday nite, I’m going again.

Saturday: Who knows?! It’d be hella sweet if we managed to play Vampire! That’d just be too cool. But, then again this is July, now. WOOO!

Sunday: The 4th of July! Fireworks and stuff… yay. Really, Saturday and Sunday look very open.

Monday: I turn 19 this day (unless i’m waaaay off. which is probably rite). Yay. Cake’n stuff. Then… I don’t know.

Well, that was fun. Anyhow, lesson learned?
-Always give different genres of music a chance, at least once. That way, after you listen to it, you can totally insult it and be credible.

{Addition 1:47PM}
I was going to review Dodgeball on ForM, but Photobucket is acting kinda screwy (hence the little red X’s found on my site, here.) So, later, I guess.
{Addition – 6:48PM}
Review is up. Hit link above.
Jesus Time 13:

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
What a busy week. For me, at that point. But I like how I plan on going to Spider-Man 2 every night if possible. Ha!
I think this is pretty much where I quit making Jesus Time. I think there were really only one or two after this one. Alas.

Page 21 – I Guess Everyone Likes Depeche Mode

I Love You, Cheese

I sawr a film, today. Formin’ It, tomorrow.

Uhm… not much else is going on. I tried to get back into FFX-2, but died. Then I tried to beat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts, but died. I’m losing it. My gaming touch is almost gone. Good. That’s good news.

Spider-Man 2 on Wednesday. Peter moving on Thursday. Friday…? The trip back.

Well, that’s all from me, today. Hurrah!

{Addition – 11:11PM}
Oh, I’ve gotta have more to say than that!

I’m still happy. I’ve been feeling pretty good since Saturday nite. Yeah, pretty good.

Anything else happen today? No, not really. OH! I guess I’m pushing Depeche Mode on Rachel. To date, I ‘ve never been able to convince anyone that DM is any good. Will that change, now? Probably not, no. I don’t really see it happening anytime soon.

Well, I’m sleeping earlier tonite. Midnite. Later.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
I was going to say something, but Dr. Octopus 2 came from my iPod. There is nothing else to say.

Page 21 – Space…Wasted

Avengers, Unite! – Pt.2

Why did I make another post? I don’t know.

Well, might as well use this space for something, else it will go to waste.

I’m very content after last nite. I don’t know. I’m all… happy.

that’s it? wow. nevermind, space wasted! go back to whatever it is you were doing.

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Young Skyler might be happy. I’m not happy for having to read this. What a waste of space.

Page 21 – yay.

Avengers, Unite!

The Avengers were pretty cool, only they really always ended up needing Thor to come in and save the day. Kinda like how, in the comic books (not the cartoon), the Justice League always called in Superman if the going got tough.

Rachel: Your pick. Be random. I don’t really care. It’s up to you. That work out for you? Just call before you do the drop off so you know I’m around. But you’ll be getting something random from my collection, too. Be warned.

I’m going to Hastings in a bit, here. Gonna rent “Dr. Strangelove” so Zak can see it, might rent “Pulp Fiction” or some random anime if I see something I like. Then I gotsta buy dog food.

Bike riding last nite almost killed me. My brain still kinda hurts. Today when I go (aiming for 4:00PM although I don’t know why…) I’m taking it at a nice, slow pace.

Wanna read my horrible Page 21 story? Click: {Link}


Anyhow, its about time for me to go in. I got my Depeche Mode and Hooverphonic ready. I’ll be back with… something else, later. And I gotta do another friggin’ Jesus Time before tomorrow.

{Addition – 2:56PM}
I’m either going to Dodgeball or White Chicks tomorrow nite. I want to see one throw away film before Spider-Man 2, that way I can appreciate good cinema a little bit more.

Couldn’t find the cd-tape player thinger. Oh well, I’m glad I made a tape of Depeche Mode. I’m almost done with this phase where they’re all I can listen to.

I’d better review those two movies I saw while they’re still a bit fresh in my mind… and I got to get it done in under one hour! So, see you folks later!

{Addition – 3:49PM}
Movies reviewed. Check them out here: {Link}

Goin’ biking. Back in 30-40ish
Moments Later
That was not a bike ride, the bike rode me most of the way back. I got to the country and had been hearing strange noises the whole time. Turns out that I think that bike is deadish kinda and it gets kinda iffy if you put weight on it. And since it was faster than just walking the bike home, I swung it over my shoulders and carried it home. That was actually more of a workout than I intended to get, today. Oh well.

{Addition – 7:22PM}
Gonna eat and watch Short Circuit and Dr. Strangelove. Projected time of online reappearance: 10ish PM.
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 8, 2016
There was apparently a time in which I was willing to part with money to see White Chicks in the theater.
I remember exactly what happened and where when that bike started to fall apart and I remember carrying the damned thing home on my back. It was like a mile and a half walk from where I’d stopped. What a pain.
I like that Zak’s comments are completely boiled down to a single word: “yay.”

Page 21 – The Real Skyler Bartels

no magus. no samus. no caps. this is real skyler, folks.

saddly… after a sat here for ten minutes after typing that sentence up there, i discovered that ‘real skyler’ is kinda lame.

and ‘real skyler’ needs to go to sleep so he can ponder why he even made this crazy post. yeeeeeesh, what is wrong with me?

Added April 8, 2016
I love that “the REAL Skyler Bartels” has nothing to say.
There is a deep discussion on life in there, somewhere, but I don’t care to go hunting for it.

Page 21 – They Aren’t Even HALF-Starts…

Back, This Time With Actual News

Well, not really. Check later for some details on the movies I watched. But later like, I dunno… tomorrow…?

I have some strange story I was gonna write tonite, but I need to eat pizza then go biking before it gets too dark.

Then I was going to compare Depeche Mode and determine if their early days, middle work, or latest music is the best. But I got lazy…

Tomorrow, I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Rachel Samson, I’m ready. Music me up, woman.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
I was just telling Pete, yesterday, about my penchant during this summer to write a paragraph about something I wanted to say but then backing out and saying “nevermind” but leaving the paragraph in there.
This entire post is written that way. Why even make the post?
Oh, also, snagged the Samus and Magus GIFs just in case.

Page 21 – Lil’ Samus!


Guys, seriously. Check out The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. I can’t urge this enough.

Anyhow, I’ll talk to you guys late late late Saturday nite. But, nothing from me ’til then.

WOW! I’ve seen before 7am most of this summer!

Now don’t you fools do anything stupid while I’m gone, or I’ll get upset, yo.

I’ll leave you with a question I hope you’ll all try to answer:

“What is your vision of the afterlife (if you have one)?”
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Aubrey is maybe going to take a 10-day trip back to Iowa in May. I might watch all these old movies I haven’t seen in years during this time period, Lost Skeleton included.
I may have missed the Samus GIF at the bottom, earlier, but this is the first time I’ve noticed it. If you ever wondered if I was always a nerd, let Magus and Samus convince you of that fact.