Page 21 – Stuck in a Crystal Method Song

Wednesday – First Period

Oh lordy… Its getting harder and harder to wake up in the mornings, let me tell ya…

I guess I woke up today and took the trash to the curb, showered, then went to school (I ate food in there somewhere). I watched an episode of Buffy, too, and its been oh so long. I never meant it to talk again. I tried to silence you. You keep comin’ bac—– crap. I got stuck in a Crystal Method song. How embarassing!

I have to finish this stupid newspaper thing for class. I hate this assignment. It has little/nothing to do with computers other than the fact that we use them. Still, its a better assignment than our jobshadowing we had to do for this class last year.

The Harvard music program is tomorrow nite. I totally don’t want to go. I’ve had to go to those things for years and now, even when I quit, I still get forced to go. Just when I think I’m out they keep pullin’ me back in!! AUGH!

heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh….. I’m laughing because I’m reading the comments from yesterday. Yeah, porn does rot the mind, I’ll agree there. Heheheheheheheheheheh…. the rest of these made me laugh, to. Like the fact that you insult my intelligence because I insulted yours? Whoa! Hearty comeback, there! heheheheheheheh 😎 <– Cram that in your MSN and smoke it!

And my newspaper is done. Now to go play some more Op4! Huzzah!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
I just can’t let it go, this stupid Punisher stuff. So sad. At least Zak is there to attempt to deflect any further agitation coming from either party.
Senioritis is a real disease and something to be avoided. Or treasured? Both? Probably. I wish I had that kind of responsibility these days while still being viewed as a minor annoyance. These days if I carry that kind of attitude I get fired. G-G-GULP!
I just started Opposing Force not that long ago and got a good chunk of the way into it.
It doesn’t hold up.

Page 21 – Fill the Gap with Porn


Today was ok, I suppose…

Well, ok, its the best Tuesday I’ve had in quite awhile, and I’ll tell you why!

Our Gov. teacher announced that we’re done with class for the year. That’s super cool because, huzzah! No test there. So, First and second periods are done (study halls), Government is over, English is pretty much over… final test on Thursday, Math is pretty much done, Spanish is real easy, and Journalism will be practically over after tomorrow. SWEETNESS!!! MORE HALF-LIFE TIME!!!


Rachel Samson. I’m done talking about The Punisher as of this post. I was rite about it and, apparently, you’re too blind to notice it. But I’m not going to spend the whole week debating its “quality” with you. So its done.


I really can’t wait until Half-Life 2, but rite now the two sequel games I’m looking forward to playing are Kingdom Hearts 2 and the Metroid Prime sequel that ign just produced screenshots for. Both games will be great and both games will come out before Half-Life 2. *sigh*


Chapelle’s Show was moved to Tuesday nites. This sucks because my whole Wednesday tv scheduel is thrown off. It used to work so well: Angel, South Park, Chapelle’s Show, Daily Show, sleepy-time.
Guess I’ll just have to fill in the gap with porn…


I built a shelf. Yeah, waist high. That’s about it for me.


So, I guess I’ll be going, now. I’m going to take another picture of Legos in some historical moment situation. That should be neat, I guess. See you fools later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
Man, things got heated over that stupid Punisher review. I mean, yes, I can very easily say now, 12 years after the fact, that I was doing it simply to push buttons. Why? Because I was always a jerk. So, Rachel, if you ever read this: sorry for acting like a total tool.
I never finished Metroid Prime 2, and never touched 3 (obviously) – maybe someday.

Page 21 – Last Monday of High School

Last Monday of High School

Yeah, that’s rite. Last monday… w00t

I didn’t do much, today. We had a math assignment. yeehaa

I’m gonna get my butt chewed out tomorrow. Not actually chewed out (cause’ that’d hurt), but I’m gonna get yelled at for not doing something in Journalism that I was supposed to. Oh well…

Well, that’s it from me, today. Four days left
{Addition – 5:10PM}

Ok, I’ll talk about me a bit! HUZZAH!

I think I might be kind of insane, actually… for starters, I’ve got a looping soundtrack going on in my head at all times. I can mute it, turn it down, or just stop thinking about it, or I can enjoy whatever is playing. It’s pretty cool, really. Some people have songs stuck in their heads. I have all songs stuck in my head.

Sometimes, when its kinda quiet, I’ve got my very own “Wonder Years” type narrator. He comes in from straight up and a little to the left and always says crap like “and this is where I learned that catsup and cheese doodles don’t mix.” And its fun, sometimes.

Sometimes I see lightning out of the corner of my eye. Thats ok, I guess, but not that cool. Cause it happens indoors mostly. And not near windows. I don’t see the flash, mind you, I see the bolts. Freaky!

Sometims things change from being real and become a cartoon. That one is rare, though. VERY rare. So rare…… I’m not going to talk about it.

Ok, so some of this is due to me being tired, sure… and other stuff is probably just me having fun, but… still…. something to think about…

And Rachel (off topic now): The Punisher sucked ass, ok? Just let it go! Let it go……. and Akira (+Domu) is sitting here waiting……… The question is: When do you want to read some good manga (for once….)?

And I was just outside for awhile. Neato… I was “constructing”


-Universal Nipple, huh?

-My new friend, Micky Diabolico

Now I’m done.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
Why can’t I just leave that Punisher thing alone? Good lord.
I made up almost all of that stuff, if not all of it to some degree. I don’t know why. Why on Earth would I think its cool to pretend to have mental issues? Why didn’t someone report me?

deviantart – Some More Random Art

The only real work I’ve ever done, art-wise, was the Jesus Wheaties box thing. Otherwise, most of my other stuff here isn’t even really art. Just stuff I did while I was bored.

Now, though, I have added some pictures that I took with my digital camera. Three, to be exact. How fun!

Anyhow, enjoy yourself…

Added April 13, 2017
What a lame second post to this site. How fun!

Page 21 – Soap in the Microwave

My food now tastes squeaky clean!

Look what happens if you stick a bar of soap in the microwave for two minutes!




These aren’t melted. They grew and mutated to that shape/size. Pretty neat, huh? I wonder what’d happen after four minutes….!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 4, 2016
Possibly the best part of this is that I tried this again during my first year at Drake in my roommate Scott’s microwave and things went south quickly. I didn’t tell him what happened and he was like “why does my shit taste like soap?!” and someone ratted on me. Fuckers.

Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Foolishly Insults Tom Jane

I think I’m dying, now…

Ok, so I took Zak to see The Punisher and thought that I, the almighty master of reviews, should do one for this movie. So, let’s get it on!

Ok, dood. If you’re going to make a film version of The Punisher, do it rite! This movie focuses around family memeber death after family member death after family member death. I kept telling myself that this movie had been done before throughout the film, only to remember it was done in the same movie! Frank Castle’s family gets shot down after he kills Travolta’s kid (What was his name, Saint? Whatever…), and now Franky-boy is out to kill Travolta and his family (of crime! BOO-YAH!) Meh, as far as revenge-plots go, this is ok, I guess. But it really doesn’t do a very good job of delivering the feel of The Punisher. Where were his kill-crazy rampages? Why didn’t he kill the guy he was torturing, or even bother to actually torture him?! He was too human to be the Punisher. Bah! The Russian guy was cool, though. Props for that.

Hah! Hah! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! Acting? Where? Someone told me there was acting in this movie! I can’t find it! Why doesn’t Thomas Jane try to make his character actually feel like Frank Castle!? And wtf is up with his voice? Why are we letting this guy act in movies? WAH! BLEGH! Rebecca……. Re— Why?! Why do you overdo every scene you’re in? Just take off your top and get off the camera! And why aren’t you covered in blue body paint anymore? And you too, Travolta? NOOOOO! You used to be able to deliver all your lines with such grace! Such majestic grace! No! I can go home and die, now…

Why am I doing a catergory on this when I’ve never done it before? Well, I’ll tell you. The signature Punisher skull-body armour suit has been forever tarnished. Instead of being really cool or something, Frank gets it as a friggin’ T-shirt from his son who, as stupid as this is going to sound I’m sure, bought it from a guy that told him it would “ward off evil spirits!” Woooooo! Evil spirits my ass! The only thing that shirt’ll do is ward of paying customers. I’m sure the guy at the shirt store is laughing all the way to the bank. The rest of the outfits were ok all until the end, when Saint (rite? Travolta’s character) got to his club. It looked like the friggin’ Gangster Henchman Convention in there! Everyone was wearing the exact same outfit! Man, if I were a criminal, I’d wear something different. Like…. I dunno, not black, maybe… ?

Special Effects/Fight Scenes:
Ok, where were my damn fight scenes? It’s a friggin’ Punisher film for christ’s sake! There was only one real gun fight at the end of the movie, and it was lame. He barely shot anyone, just blew ’em up! LAME! Not enough action for me.
The special effects in this movie made me laugh. From the lame animated opening to the completley CG explosions at the end (and the friggin’ stupid skull logo made out of destroyed car fire? God…. shoot me now…), I found myself chuckling throughout this film at times where I shoudln’t. How fun.

Other Random Stuff:
The Punisher wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about those people in that apartment. Also, the way the made his character be, Frank would have killed himself with that gun at his chin. There was no scene with Stan Lee (BASTAGES!), there was no reference to any other comic book (inside the Punisher universe or outside), and all in all, the movie just didn’t flow well. Seemed too pushed together to me.

Well I noticed the music, Rachel. And it was bad. They played stuff at the wrong time. Like when Saint killed Glass… the music they played should have been during a love scene or a part where a boyfriend and girlfriend break up. Not a scene where a friend kills his best friend.

Ok, yeah. It was better than the first Punisher. Ok, yeah. It was better than Captain America. Ok, yeah. It did it’s job: to entertain me for two hours. But here’s the problem, Chuck: I shouldn’t have been laughing throughout the film at inapropriate times. I laughed when the train killed Mrs. Saint, I laughed (out loud at times) when Tavolta was being carried away while tied to the back of a car, and I laughed when Frank was getting beat up by the Russian. And not when I was supposed to (the gun getting smashed? Brilliant!). It sucked. Balls. And they blew up the bitchin’ yellow car. That cannot be allowed…

Overall Grade (an average): 4.7
“God’s gonna sit this one out…” Looks like I should have, too!

Spider-Man: 9.1
X-2: 9.1
X-Men: 8.9
Daredevil: 8.2
Hulk: 7.4
The Punisher: 4.7

Better luck next time, guys. Maybe a Namor movie wouldn’t be too bad after all. And Jane, I liked that beard. Let’s talk “Gordon Freeman…”
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 4, 2016
I stand by this review to this very day. What I don’t stand by? My rating of the Daredevil movie. Yeeesh. 8.9? Wow.

Page 21 – Zak Produced 300 Typos per Minute in the Comments Section

I always thought Lode Runner would be a cool CB handle…

Well, what did I do today?

Lets see………. the band/choir kids were off doing their little thinger-majiger in Henderson. That’s cool, I guess. Turns out that maybe they didn’t do as well as ol’ Hitler (Mr. K) thought they would do. Glad I’m not in band/choir…. a three in choir? Ouch, guys…. ouch…

I read through all of Akira, again, so Rachel: soon as you’re ready to have a real manga experience, let me know… For good measure, I’ll loan you Otomo’s other work, Domu, too…

Gettin’ up to pick up garbage at 8:30 tomorrow. I’ll load up the truck with our junk and then head to the dump where the burning-based-fun shall commence! Hopefully, I’ll find some more stuffed animals to kill…

Aftarwards I intend to go do something in hastings. This might involve me seeing Kill Bill Vol. 2 (still open slots available, people! Sign up or get left behind!).
{Addition – Saturday}
They moved the clean up to May 1. I’ll do it then. I still wanna see that movie tonite, though.

Sunday? WTF? It’s Sunday. Like I’m going to do anything. I should really go to church, though… one of these days…

I need to get another job so’s I can gets me a car for college. I also want a better gaming machine which means I’ll have to upgrade the processor which means “new motherboard time!” I also want more hard drive space… won’t happen though. I’ll never land another job.

I’m going to be 19 in a few months. Creepy…

Oh, for those of you who don’t know, I’m getting my hair chopped off in early May. So if you want to play with it, look at it, smell it (?), or just bare witness to its greatness one last time before my high school graduation, now’s your last chance. I was gunna use it to stuff a pillow, but I guess I’ll send it to Lockes of Love, instead. Oh well… there’s always other people’s hair for pillows… I’ll be putting up before and after pictures, so expect to see the drastic change!

Well, I guess that ends this fine chapter. Pretty long post, here. Hhmmmmm……. Good luck to everyone doing something even semi-important this weekend, and to the rest of you: Get a life!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 4, 2016
I think there are haircut pictures here, later, but my first real chop off moment wasn’t much hair, in the end.
Zak misspells so many things and types like such a punk in his comment.
Back in the day we used to do this thing in town where you could take whatever you wanted to the curb and people would drive around all day and take it to the dump, free of charge. It was a lot of fun. Zak and I would get in the old pickup and drive around, grab shit off curbs, and toss it into a big ol’ fire. Usually there were old stuffed animals so those were always a treat.
Did I ever mention that I might have had issues as a kid?

Page 21 – Floor Seating

Hey, its your tomorrow, too Sammy!

I’m going to see Van Halen (Hagar, not Roth) at the end of July. We’ve got floor seating and I’m all happy. Huzzah!

Finally, something to look forward to during the summer!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 4, 2016
Man, if I could go back in time and keep myself from this concert, I would. As the years have gone on, I’ve hated Van Halen more and more. And rightly so: they suck. Roth is a prick, Eddie is a retarded jackass, and I don’t give two shits about his son. The band is a joke and should be put in the ground.
As in buried.
As in they should die.