Page 21 – Drama, Thy Name is Young Skyler


I had a whole long post here about why stuff is the way it is but, I figured, since no one reads my posts (obviously), and they only take little guesses at the little parts that they actually read, there is no point in making  a huge long post.

So, instead, I’ll just say that I guess some of you people are my friends. I sat down today, thought about it, and you know what? I think I consided a few people here friends.

This is a smaller number than before, though. If you really want to know if you’re still on the list, ask yourself the following question:

“How did I react to thinking I wasn’t Skyler’s friend anymore?”

If you answered: “I reacted by asking him why he was this way and what caused it,” or “I don’t understand why he feels the way he does” then you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re gold, baby.

If you answered: “I guess I’ll just say ‘fuck him’ and end my friendship rite there. Why attempt to figure anything out?” then I guess yer done. Sorry. There are no continues or re-tries here.

And if you made no real reaction at all because you either though I was joking or you don’t read my site, then don’t worry: We’re still pals.

So there you have it
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
There was never any reason for any of this. Young Skyler, much like me, enjoys strife and drama too much, sometimes. Here, we see that he keeps flip-flopping on whether or not he likes people or certain individuals for no good reason. He hurts feelings, draws attention to his own apathy, and laughs at others without seemingly caring. He is guilty of one thing: General Jackassery.
Don’t worry, he’ll get over it soon enough and go right back to attacking himself in the near future.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

4 thoughts on “Page 21 – Drama, Thy Name is Young Skyler”

  1. Sorry. Tried that. Figured after the whole “cold shoulder” thing during classes and continuous nasty comments on my site that you weren’t joking anymore. Especially due to the whole “I don’t give a damn about anyone except TWO PEOPLE.” Even after adding on “And a few more,” that’s still not good if you don’t say who they are. Well, I guess I won’t be guessing now, huh?


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