Page 21 – Long Story Short, I Hate You All

Op4 – Douchebag Central – Clear – Rest of Day

I finished it and instead of sitting here installing Blue Shit, I’m just done. Wee!

Well, the quiz bowl team is taking off today. Yeah, I’m not on it. Instead of taking the old team, or sponser (madam douchebag herself) has opted to take the other team. This is the exact same team, mind you, only its minus me and three other guys, replaced with two other doods. Yeah, great “other team.”


I’d also like to clear up any misconception there may have been about the bigger post I made yesterday: I stated that I really didn’t like anyone at Harvard Public School anymore and, for the most part, this is true. But having sat on that for a day, now, I realized that its is only mostly true. There are a few people (who shall remain nameless) that I cannot wait to get away from and there are some people that I really enjoy spending time with. But I still don’t really consider them to be friends (by my terms, anyhow). Maybe I’m just nuts…

{Addition – 3:48PM}
Ok, school was fine. I guess some people are upset about the comment I made about people at Harvard on yesterday’s post. I tell them to bite me and get over it.

I really don’t want to go to this band/choir concert tonite. Harvard’s band director sucks, our band sucks, and really, our chior ain’t too hot. I gotta go through solo after duet after solo after duet and I really just wanna stay out of that building. Meh, at least there will be plenty of opportunities to make fun of people for no reason whatsoever. heheheheheheheheheheheh

Tomorrow = last day of school for me. Then honor’s nite. then g’ma’s house, then nothing. nothing until graduation May 8th. Then more nothing until I secure a job (if I secure a job). w00t.

{Addition – 4:30PM}
Site looks different. If you couldn’t tell.
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 5, 2016
If you are upsetting people and are two days away from never having to see them again, just quit talking about the upsetting things. You are so desperate for attention, Young Skyler. What an idiot.
Nothing beats that “last day of school” feeling. I had it on my last day at my previous job. Its never the same as it is in college or high school, but you never really get another chance at it, again.
The original image was likely NOT Skeletor, but with no solid clue as to its identity, Skeletor is always a suitable replacement.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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