Page 21 – Stuck in a Crystal Method Song

Wednesday – First Period

Oh lordy… Its getting harder and harder to wake up in the mornings, let me tell ya…

I guess I woke up today and took the trash to the curb, showered, then went to school (I ate food in there somewhere). I watched an episode of Buffy, too, and its been oh so long. I never meant it to talk again. I tried to silence you. You keep comin’ bac—– crap. I got stuck in a Crystal Method song. How embarassing!

I have to finish this stupid newspaper thing for class. I hate this assignment. It has little/nothing to do with computers other than the fact that we use them. Still, its a better assignment than our jobshadowing we had to do for this class last year.

The Harvard music program is tomorrow nite. I totally don’t want to go. I’ve had to go to those things for years and now, even when I quit, I still get forced to go. Just when I think I’m out they keep pullin’ me back in!! AUGH!

heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh….. I’m laughing because I’m reading the comments from yesterday. Yeah, porn does rot the mind, I’ll agree there. Heheheheheheheheheheh…. the rest of these made me laugh, to. Like the fact that you insult my intelligence because I insulted yours? Whoa! Hearty comeback, there! heheheheheheheh 😎 <– Cram that in your MSN and smoke it!

And my newspaper is done. Now to go play some more Op4! Huzzah!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
I just can’t let it go, this stupid Punisher stuff. So sad. At least Zak is there to attempt to deflect any further agitation coming from either party.
Senioritis is a real disease and something to be avoided. Or treasured? Both? Probably. I wish I had that kind of responsibility these days while still being viewed as a minor annoyance. These days if I carry that kind of attitude I get fired. G-G-GULP!
I just started Opposing Force not that long ago and got a good chunk of the way into it.
It doesn’t hold up.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

5 thoughts on “Page 21 – Stuck in a Crystal Method Song”

  1. One more thing.
    This goes to miss Ray-Ray. Don’t give a comeback, just let the whole thing curl up in a ball and die in a corner or some such nonsense. If you want more complaints from me about the Punisher read the comment I made on xanga yesterday about it.


  2. I was NOT trying to make any sort of a “comeback.” I was merely stating that Mr. Bartels shouldn’t being calling others blind or so on if he does something similar.
    In any case, I can’t wait until summer.


  3. Hehehe, I get the same problem in the morning. It usualy results in me actually staying asleep.
    Heheheh, you guys are funny on the whole puniser thing, lol.~Sam


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