Page 21 – Only Two Friends

Wednesday – After School

Only two more days. Why does it seem like I don’t care…

Ok, I’m depressed, today. But I’ve got my reasons.

I realized today that I really don’t give a damn about anyone at Harvard anymore (outside of my family). I just don’t want to think about any of these people anymore. I had that list, of the people that I would miss/couldn’t wait to be away from… remember? Yeah, I realized today that I really don’t care about those people, either. That means that, out of the hundred+ kids at our high school, I’m only interested in keeping in touch with two. They shall remain nameless.

I just don’t really care about the others at all. Sorry, fools, I don’t. Meh, bite me. I can’t wait to be out of Harvard, now. I don’t consider more than two people my friends, here.

But, what depresses me about this? THAT I don’t know. Its either the fact that I realized I don’t have anyone I consider a friend or the fact that I realized that I never considered them my friends and that I must have been blind the whole time. Meh. I don’t really care, though. I’m just gonna go off, now and do something. eeeggh….
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
I like how the closer I get to graduation the less people I count as worth my time. It used to be five, now its two. I have no idea which two they would be, seeing as how I was in touch with at least half a dozen or more students after I left Harvard. Huh.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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