Page 21 – Fill the Gap with Porn


Today was ok, I suppose…

Well, ok, its the best Tuesday I’ve had in quite awhile, and I’ll tell you why!

Our Gov. teacher announced that we’re done with class for the year. That’s super cool because, huzzah! No test there. So, First and second periods are done (study halls), Government is over, English is pretty much over… final test on Thursday, Math is pretty much done, Spanish is real easy, and Journalism will be practically over after tomorrow. SWEETNESS!!! MORE HALF-LIFE TIME!!!


Rachel Samson. I’m done talking about The Punisher as of this post. I was rite about it and, apparently, you’re too blind to notice it. But I’m not going to spend the whole week debating its “quality” with you. So its done.


I really can’t wait until Half-Life 2, but rite now the two sequel games I’m looking forward to playing are Kingdom Hearts 2 and the Metroid Prime sequel that ign just produced screenshots for. Both games will be great and both games will come out before Half-Life 2. *sigh*


Chapelle’s Show was moved to Tuesday nites. This sucks because my whole Wednesday tv scheduel is thrown off. It used to work so well: Angel, South Park, Chapelle’s Show, Daily Show, sleepy-time.
Guess I’ll just have to fill in the gap with porn…


I built a shelf. Yeah, waist high. That’s about it for me.


So, I guess I’ll be going, now. I’m going to take another picture of Legos in some historical moment situation. That should be neat, I guess. See you fools later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
Man, things got heated over that stupid Punisher review. I mean, yes, I can very easily say now, 12 years after the fact, that I was doing it simply to push buttons. Why? Because I was always a jerk. So, Rachel, if you ever read this: sorry for acting like a total tool.
I never finished Metroid Prime 2, and never touched 3 (obviously) – maybe someday.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

4 thoughts on “Page 21 – Fill the Gap with Porn”

  1. The last weeks of a school year are always the best. You don’t have to do anything! Oooo, KH2! I wanna play that too! And a shelf huh? Waist high huh? What would that be…shoulder hight on me? LOL! Lego is always good.~Sam


  2. One last thing; First, you were right by whose standards? Yours? What do I give a damn about those? Am I supposedly blind for not going along with your opinion? You know, back when Citizen Kane came out people thought Valley of the Dolls was a MUCH better movie and gave it the Oscar. Now critics call Citizen Kane the best movie of all time. Keep that in mind. It’s an example of sorts. And I meant that the acting doesn’t matter if you judge it by comic book standards, and it DOES if you don’t. You insulted MY intelligence but it seems that yours isn’t anything to write home about. I liked it. You didn’t. We could have stated this once and be done with it. This whole this wouldn’t have started if you didn’t slam everyone else’s opinions over and over again. Once, fine, sure, but there IS such thing as overkill. Anywho, this is a stupid thing to be arguing about, so let’s not leave this bitterly, shall we?
    And I’ll come over and get that manga if you’re still willing to loan it to me.


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