Page 21 – Zak Produced 300 Typos per Minute in the Comments Section

I always thought Lode Runner would be a cool CB handle…

Well, what did I do today?

Lets see………. the band/choir kids were off doing their little thinger-majiger in Henderson. That’s cool, I guess. Turns out that maybe they didn’t do as well as ol’ Hitler (Mr. K) thought they would do. Glad I’m not in band/choir…. a three in choir? Ouch, guys…. ouch…

I read through all of Akira, again, so Rachel: soon as you’re ready to have a real manga experience, let me know… For good measure, I’ll loan you Otomo’s other work, Domu, too…

Gettin’ up to pick up garbage at 8:30 tomorrow. I’ll load up the truck with our junk and then head to the dump where the burning-based-fun shall commence! Hopefully, I’ll find some more stuffed animals to kill…

Aftarwards I intend to go do something in hastings. This might involve me seeing Kill Bill Vol. 2 (still open slots available, people! Sign up or get left behind!).
{Addition – Saturday}
They moved the clean up to May 1. I’ll do it then. I still wanna see that movie tonite, though.

Sunday? WTF? It’s Sunday. Like I’m going to do anything. I should really go to church, though… one of these days…

I need to get another job so’s I can gets me a car for college. I also want a better gaming machine which means I’ll have to upgrade the processor which means “new motherboard time!” I also want more hard drive space… won’t happen though. I’ll never land another job.

I’m going to be 19 in a few months. Creepy…

Oh, for those of you who don’t know, I’m getting my hair chopped off in early May. So if you want to play with it, look at it, smell it (?), or just bare witness to its greatness one last time before my high school graduation, now’s your last chance. I was gunna use it to stuff a pillow, but I guess I’ll send it to Lockes of Love, instead. Oh well… there’s always other people’s hair for pillows… I’ll be putting up before and after pictures, so expect to see the drastic change!

Well, I guess that ends this fine chapter. Pretty long post, here. Hhmmmmm……. Good luck to everyone doing something even semi-important this weekend, and to the rest of you: Get a life!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 4, 2016
I think there are haircut pictures here, later, but my first real chop off moment wasn’t much hair, in the end.
Zak misspells so many things and types like such a punk in his comment.
Back in the day we used to do this thing in town where you could take whatever you wanted to the curb and people would drive around all day and take it to the dump, free of charge. It was a lot of fun. Zak and I would get in the old pickup and drive around, grab shit off curbs, and toss it into a big ol’ fire. Usually there were old stuffed animals so those were always a treat.
Did I ever mention that I might have had issues as a kid?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

5 thoughts on “Page 21 – Zak Produced 300 Typos per Minute in the Comments Section”

  1. Akira sounds like fun! And garbage burning? Smelly fun!Pity they haven’t come up with a way to e-braid, huh? *evil grin*~Sam


  2. Maybe I will but my hair someday. But before I do I want to get it dyed white, dress as sephiroth and go to a convo. Yeah….hey wait a minute! What do you mean a “real” manga experience? Meh, i’m not gonna fight this anymore.


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