Page 21 – LATER DOODS!!!!!!!!


Well, to those of you who might miss me (heh, due to my recent xanga antics I bring the total count to about…….. 3), I’m going to be at my grandparent’s house all weekend.

I will come back with some great pictures taken by my good picture-takin’ buddy Mr. Chloupek, and then tell you all about my wacky-ass plans for next week!

But, until then!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
Those pictures coming up are awesome, I tell you what.

Page 21 – Invitation Cheese

Wahoo! Done!

Yeah, my posts have been pretty nasty sounding lately, so I’m turnin’ it around!

I finished high school for the most part today. That’s sweet. I don’t really wanna go to Honor’s Nite tonite, but… ah, why not? Gotta finish it up.

Oh, everone that wants to come to my little graduation thing after…. erm, graduation… well, you’re all invited. I’m just too lazy to do it the real way, so here:
“You’re invited! Have some cheese:

I guess I’m going to play through Blue Shift as soon as I get back from the G’Parents house this weekend. I don’t really want to go out there, but I gotta. I really need to go out and see my grandpa. He is 101 years old and is having some heart related troubles. At 101, I think anyhow, the common cold is almost as bad as colon cancer, so a heart problem could be it, here. Thats sad.

Next week I’ll do all sorts of crazy stuff! WHOA!

But then graduation. But first, Van Helsing. And then graduation. Then Mean Girls (maybe).

I don’t know, maybe this new format ain’t so great. Who knows? The shadow knows……….
go there, vote in their Best. Game. Ever. thing. It’s not even close. Vote for Half-Life, for me, please?!


Teen Titans is really cool. I apologize, Cartoon Network, for insulting it earlier. And you know what? whoever invented the elevator was a real cool dood, too, goonch. That’s all the double-o words I could fit, there.

And, uhm……. Metroid rules!!!!!!!!!!

I heard somewhere that, in 13 Going On 30, they say En Tauro Adun. Thats cool. Now there’s another reason to see it, besides the amounts of Jenny Garnerlicious-ness!

{Addition – Post Honours Nite}
Ok, wasn’t that bad, little over an hour.

I’m without my Akira/Domu. Usually when I lend it out, its always in the same house. This is a huge step for me, though. I’ve lent the whole Akira thing (over 2100 pages) + Domu out to a friend. I KNOW! THEY ARE NOT IN THE HOUSE ANY MORE!!!! So I’m kinda creepin’ out. But they need to read it, I need to be rid of it for awhile. I’ll be stronger afterwards. Fer sure…

To answer a question (read the comments for it), no, I’m waiting until after graduation to cut it. It would just be………. too strange to do it before hand and it would be weird for everyone in my class to see it cut. So no, the Wednesday after graduation. Graduation is on the 8th and, again, you’re all invited.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
I was wussing out on so many things, here. I was back tracking on my “I hate you all” rhetoric, I wasn’t cutting my hair, and I was announcing to he world that I had a big ol’ crush on Jennifer Garner (deliciousness?!? Gross) as well as wanting to see “Mean Girls” – what was wrong with me?
My grandfather was not long for this world after this point. Maybe a year left? Probably less, if I remember correctly.

Page 21 – Drama, Thy Name is Young Skyler


I had a whole long post here about why stuff is the way it is but, I figured, since no one reads my posts (obviously), and they only take little guesses at the little parts that they actually read, there is no point in making  a huge long post.

So, instead, I’ll just say that I guess some of you people are my friends. I sat down today, thought about it, and you know what? I think I consided a few people here friends.

This is a smaller number than before, though. If you really want to know if you’re still on the list, ask yourself the following question:

“How did I react to thinking I wasn’t Skyler’s friend anymore?”

If you answered: “I reacted by asking him why he was this way and what caused it,” or “I don’t understand why he feels the way he does” then you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re gold, baby.

If you answered: “I guess I’ll just say ‘fuck him’ and end my friendship rite there. Why attempt to figure anything out?” then I guess yer done. Sorry. There are no continues or re-tries here.

And if you made no real reaction at all because you either though I was joking or you don’t read my site, then don’t worry: We’re still pals.

So there you have it
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
There was never any reason for any of this. Young Skyler, much like me, enjoys strife and drama too much, sometimes. Here, we see that he keeps flip-flopping on whether or not he likes people or certain individuals for no good reason. He hurts feelings, draws attention to his own apathy, and laughs at others without seemingly caring. He is guilty of one thing: General Jackassery.
Don’t worry, he’ll get over it soon enough and go right back to attacking himself in the near future.

Page 21 – Long Story Short, I Hate You All

Op4 – Douchebag Central – Clear – Rest of Day

I finished it and instead of sitting here installing Blue Shit, I’m just done. Wee!

Well, the quiz bowl team is taking off today. Yeah, I’m not on it. Instead of taking the old team, or sponser (madam douchebag herself) has opted to take the other team. This is the exact same team, mind you, only its minus me and three other guys, replaced with two other doods. Yeah, great “other team.”


I’d also like to clear up any misconception there may have been about the bigger post I made yesterday: I stated that I really didn’t like anyone at Harvard Public School anymore and, for the most part, this is true. But having sat on that for a day, now, I realized that its is only mostly true. There are a few people (who shall remain nameless) that I cannot wait to get away from and there are some people that I really enjoy spending time with. But I still don’t really consider them to be friends (by my terms, anyhow). Maybe I’m just nuts…

{Addition – 3:48PM}
Ok, school was fine. I guess some people are upset about the comment I made about people at Harvard on yesterday’s post. I tell them to bite me and get over it.

I really don’t want to go to this band/choir concert tonite. Harvard’s band director sucks, our band sucks, and really, our chior ain’t too hot. I gotta go through solo after duet after solo after duet and I really just wanna stay out of that building. Meh, at least there will be plenty of opportunities to make fun of people for no reason whatsoever. heheheheheheheheheheheh

Tomorrow = last day of school for me. Then honor’s nite. then g’ma’s house, then nothing. nothing until graduation May 8th. Then more nothing until I secure a job (if I secure a job). w00t.

{Addition – 4:30PM}
Site looks different. If you couldn’t tell.
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 5, 2016
If you are upsetting people and are two days away from never having to see them again, just quit talking about the upsetting things. You are so desperate for attention, Young Skyler. What an idiot.
Nothing beats that “last day of school” feeling. I had it on my last day at my previous job. Its never the same as it is in college or high school, but you never really get another chance at it, again.
The original image was likely NOT Skeletor, but with no solid clue as to its identity, Skeletor is always a suitable replacement.

Page 21 – Only Two Friends

Wednesday – After School

Only two more days. Why does it seem like I don’t care…

Ok, I’m depressed, today. But I’ve got my reasons.

I realized today that I really don’t give a damn about anyone at Harvard anymore (outside of my family). I just don’t want to think about any of these people anymore. I had that list, of the people that I would miss/couldn’t wait to be away from… remember? Yeah, I realized today that I really don’t care about those people, either. That means that, out of the hundred+ kids at our high school, I’m only interested in keeping in touch with two. They shall remain nameless.

I just don’t really care about the others at all. Sorry, fools, I don’t. Meh, bite me. I can’t wait to be out of Harvard, now. I don’t consider more than two people my friends, here.

But, what depresses me about this? THAT I don’t know. Its either the fact that I realized I don’t have anyone I consider a friend or the fact that I realized that I never considered them my friends and that I must have been blind the whole time. Meh. I don’t really care, though. I’m just gonna go off, now and do something. eeeggh….
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 5, 2016
I like how the closer I get to graduation the less people I count as worth my time. It used to be five, now its two. I have no idea which two they would be, seeing as how I was in touch with at least half a dozen or more students after I left Harvard. Huh.