Page 21 – Another Listmaker

i would also like to announce the arrival of The_Listmaker_2 (click link to visit). Mutombo is up to listing movies this year and we all know this could mean trouble!
Show your support, ya bastards!

Added March 29, 2016
I wish I had the full list for that site, someplace. To see what I thought the 100 best movies of all time were, back then, would be a laugh. I know Die Hard 3 was on there.


Page 21 – For the Love of God, What Band Report?!


I got tons of crap to do today…

I gotta work on my Duet Acting script… Gotta go to hastings and get pictures/ortho appt…. Watch some Buffy… write a band report… play some FFX-2… go to bed early… and all so that I have some free time tomorrow or something.

Ah well………..

Dood, that Hooverphonic album kicks ass…





Added March 29, 2016
Why is that Tarkin picture there? I mean, I know why it is, but there’s nothing in the post to support that.
I wish I knew what band report I was talking about. I have absolutely no clue. Might have to see if Zak or my mom knows…

Page 21 – Band Report

*cries* only Monday then its school. Poop.

Uhm… I still got tons of Buffy, FFX-2, and other crap to go still. Thats nuts. Plus I have some band report to fill out or I fail band. What to do, what to do…?

Oh, and I might be dropping Physics once I get back. FUN!

Added March 29, 2016
Pretty sure I just up and quit band. It was during my senior year, for sure. Ha! Mr. K was so pissed!
I have no idea what this report is, though.
I also like that Rachel wants me to quit Physics so she can get things done. To say I enjoyed causing a distraction is an understatement!


Woo. Thats tons of beatles rite there.

Whats new in the world of sports? oh, nothing you say? well that was fun.

its snowing here, that sucks. poopies.

Zen_Monkey is going through a crazy phase rite now. You should check it out if you like hot chicks in tight outfits, dood!

The Monkey

dear prudence….

uhm, theres something I need to say to everyone, more of a question. Can you find me a picture of Jennifer Hale? That’d be loveley, thank you.

See you shmucks later! remember, a prize to he who finds picture!

Added March 29, 2016
Based on the fact that I was advertising Zen_Monkey because Steven and I were just posting pictures of women we thought were hot, I can only assume I wanted a picture of Hale for… research purposes.

Page 21 – Half-Life 2 = Jesus, Basically

I started reading the New Jedi Order last nite. It’s pretty good. Somewhere in this series Chewie dies. So It can’t be that great.

What did I do last nite….. oh, yeah. I sat up and played Final Fantasy X-2. I’d like to beat it before school on Tuesday, but that won’t happen. This morning I played it again for a couple of hours and then watched an episode of Buffy. On to disc two.

I don’t think I’m doing a damn thing today. I’ll listen to Jackie Cane again at some point, but I don’t know why. Maybe because it friggin’ rules! Yeah…

I’m so happy to see some folks did my damn survey, which is funny because no one does those things. If that wasn’t for chicks, though, I don’t know nuthin’ no more.

It’s 2004. That means no LOTR, no Matrix, and no Star Wars. This would be horribible, but there will be some Spider Man and Kill Bill action, and lets not forget that Half-Life 2 will come out this year, so that’ll be aaaaaaaaaaaaallrite.

What else, what else… Well, since it is the new year, its time once again for…

Cosday of the Play!
wp-1459289669900.jpg wp-1459289672976.jpg
Here we’ve got a guy dressed us as Cid, and another as Seifer They look allrite, and the Cid gets mad props for the mop.
Seifer: 7/10
Cid: 7/10 +1

Anyhow, see you fools later!

Added March 29, 2016
Couldn’t find the image with both people in it, so I found one of each. Man. I was hoping 2004 would see the end of this stupid crap.
I remember trying to beat FFX-2. I think I got maybe 25% of the way through it before giving up. Fun battle system, if I remember correctly.

Page 21 – Just a Dumb Survey

Well, everyone loves these things, so here I go… because I’m very bored…

name = Skyler

piercings = Uhm… no

tattoos = not yet

height= 6’1″

shoe size = 11 1/2

hair color = brownish-blonde, I guess

siblings = yessir


movie you rented = Gigli, Freaky Friday, and LXG

movie you bought = Uhm… X-2

song you listened to = “Battersea” by Hooverphonic

song that was stuck in your head = “Sometimes” by Hooverphonic

cd you bought = Hooverphonic Presents: Jackie Cane

cd you listened to = Same as above

person you’ve called = Steve

person that’s called you = wow, probably some college or the navy

tv show you’ve watched = Buffy

person you were thinking of = Uh… Jar Jar Binks… don’t ask

you have a crush on someone = Uh, kinda but it don’t really count…

you wish you could live somewhere else = yeah, London

you believe in online dating = I dunno… define it

others find you attractive = Your guess is as good as mine. And my guess is “Yes!”

you want more piercings = More than none? Kinda maybe…

you like cleaning = Sometimes

you like roller coasters = Sure

you write in cursive or print = Print. But sometimes its so sloppy people think its cursive


long distance relationships = for, sure

using someone = as what? a punching bag? I floatation device? what?

suicide = uh….

killing people = *cracks knuckles* if the reason’s rite…

teenage smoking = if they like killin’ lungs…

driving drunk = whatever

gay/lesbian relationships = Gay people don’t usually have relationships with lesbians… that I know of…

soap operas = sometimes…


ever cried over a girl = Not really

ever cried over a boy = the answer to this question is so simple, that me not just saying ‘no’ already will lead some people to think I’m trying to dodge something… so, no.

ever lied to someone = Never

ever been in a fist fight = No, I use words

ever been arrested = only for being to damn sexy


shampoo do you use = Suave. Is that a shampoo?

shoes do you wear = Nike

are you scared of = the fact that Half-Life 2 may get pushed back farther! NOOOooooooo……..!


of times I have been in love? = that all depends on your definition of the word. So 10 times.

of times I have had my heart broken = I have no damn idea

of hearts I have broken? = Oh, you know me…

of girls you’ve obsessed over who wouldn’t date you: Yes, actually…

of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = A few times. Does the school paper count?

of scars on my body? = 3

of things in my past that I regret? = uh, billions. Try the number 8. Then turn it sideways.


pretty – Uh… I think this might be a girls’ survey…

funny – Yeah

hot – Maybe, I guess….

friendly – sure

amusing – uh…

ugly – Pfft… I dunno

loveable – same as above

caring – about certain things

sweet – no, more sour

dorky – try ‘geek’ and there we are. ooh! ooh! or nerd!


5 letter word: Cake…. uh, er… Caake

actor/actress: No idea

Candy: Uh… most candy is good

Cartoon: Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama… tons of Anime

Cereal: Dunno…

Chewing gum: I’m not a gum man

Color(s): Yellow

Day of week: Friday

Least fave day: Tuesday

Flower: The skunk in Bambi

Jello flavor: Orange

Jewelry: Dude, this is totally a girl’s survey…

Special skills/talents: Mainly being so damn sexy….

Summer/Winter: Summer

Trampolines or swimming pools: the pool, man

|| Person who last.. ||

Slept in your bed: Duh… I did

Saw you cry:  Wow, that was a looooooong time ago

Made you cry: no clue

You went to the movies with: the family

Yelled at you: video games

Sent you an email: uh, this site, actually

|| Have you ever.. ||

Said “I love you” and meant it?:  yes. and chocolate loves me too

Gone out in public in your pajamas: once

Kept a secret from everyone: I can’t tell you…

Cried during a movie: Yes, one

Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: never

Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope

Been on stage: Yes

Been to New York: uh, yeah actually. We connected to another plane and went overseas in New York

Hawaii: No

China: yes, actually

Canada: Yes

Europe: A bunch of times

Asia: Isn’t China in Aisa?

South America: Not yet

Australia: nope

Wished you were the opposite sex:  Only for this survey…

What time is it now?: 6:17PM

Apples or bananas?: Naners

Blue or red?: Red

Walmart or target?: Walmart

Spring or Fall?: Fall

What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Uh, watch LXG maybe… or play Smash Bros.

What was the last meal you ate?:  Toasted Cream Cheese Sandwich

High school or college?: College in another half a year

Are you bored?: no. I love girl-surveys.

Last noise you heard?: Obi-Wan Kenobi beating something up

Last smell you sniffed?: …. I just love this question

Last time you went out of state/province?: Two days ago… well, actually, last time I went OUT was over a week ago.

|| Friendship/Love ||

Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes

Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: two, maybe three

Most important thing to you in a friendship is: an understanding that there will be lacking in trust maybe

|| Other Info ||

Criminal record?: no

Do you speak any other languages?:  a little spanish.

Last book you read: Currently Reading

Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: the bed. Tv. PS2. PC

Thing you dislike about yourself the most: What’s to dislike?

Worst feeling in the world: paper cuts, dood

Who you love: the family

Who you miss: uh… Boba Fett…

|| You ||

Nickname(s): Sinbad Dragonslayer. Well, I wish that was my nickname…

Initials: SCB

How old do you look?: 18-20 years old, maybe

How old do you act?: 1-30

Glasses/Contacts: glasses

Braces: not for much longer

Do you have any pets?: dog, peter

You get embarrassed?: Sure

What makes you happy?: Currently talking to Wales, listening to the Hooverphonic stuff…

What upsets you?: when my head falls off. that sucks ass

|| Finish the sentence: ||

I Love to… I can’t. That would disgust thousands

I Miss… McGee. Me am good at eat

I Wish… I wish I hadn’t sat on that fish

I Hope… Floats. Otherwise what was a bad movie

I’m Annoyed by… Peter

I Am… GOD HERE! ARRRRGH! (<—- obscucre Lawnmower Man 2 reference)

I Want to Be… ah ah Under the Sea

I Would Never… Shoot you

I’d Rather… die than get killed!

I Am Tired of… this survey

I Will Always be… made of chicken loving goodness

|| Have you ever.. ||

Thought you were going to die: Tons of times. Everytime I get behind the wheel of a car, on an airplane, held up by a mugger..

Wanted to Run away: sure

Flunked a grade: Nope

Skipped a grade: I probably should have…

This survey brought to you by: Me

Added March 29, 2016 I’m retaking this. Things that have remained the same are in BOLD:

name = Skyler

piercings = Uhm… no

tattoos = not yet

height= 6’1″

shoe size = 11 1/2

hair color = brownish-blonde, I guess

siblings = yessir


movie you rented = “Amy” – the Amy Winehouse documentary – it was boring

movie you bought = I got “Creed”, “Birdman” and “Thin Blue Line”

song you listened to = “For Kicks” by Metric

song that was stuck in your head = “ASGORE” from the Undertale soundtrack by Toby Fox

cd you bought = “Lost Themes II” – John Carpenter

cd you listened to = CD?! “A New World” – The small group Final Fantasy album person you’ve called = Pete Bartels

person that’s called you = Aubrey

tv show you’ve watched = Daredevil

person you were thinking of = Steve Samson, based on the original answer to “person you’ve called” you have a crush on someone = Yes, I live with her

you wish you could live somewhere else = Somedays, yes. Des Moines. Others, no.

you believe in online dating = Never worked for me, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, period others find you attractive = They must, at least in some small numbers

you want more piercings = No

you like cleaning = Sometimes

you like roller coasters = Sure

you write in cursive or print = Print. But sometimes its so sloppy people think its cursive


long distance relationships = No.

using someone = as what? a punching bag? I floatation device? what?

suicide = Against killing people = *cracks knuckles* if the reason’s rite…

teenage smoking = if they like killin’ lungs…

driving drunk = I’ve done it

gay/lesbian relationships = Gay people don’t usually have relationships with lesbians… that I know of…

soap operas = Not anymore


ever cried over a girl = Yup

ever cried over a boy = the answer to this question is so simple, that me not just saying ‘no’ already will lead some people to think I’m trying to dodge something… so, no.

ever lied to someone = Never

ever been in a fist fight = Yes

ever been arrested = only for being to damn sexy


shampoo do you use = Some Dove’s Men stuff. I dunno.

shoes do you wear = Right now? A pair of brown Dockers

are you scared of = Ghosts. Straight up ghouls. Specters. Spirits. Oogie boogie men.


of times I have been in love? = 4

of times I have had my heart broken = 3

of hearts I have broken? = 1 that I know of

of girls you’ve obsessed over who wouldn’t date you: Yes, actually…

of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = Way too many. Google me.

of scars on my body? = 4

of things in my past that I regret? = uh, billions. Try the number 8. Then turn it sideways.


pretty – Uh… I think this might be a girls’ survey…

funny – Yeah

hot – No

friendly – sure

amusing – Probably

ugly – Pfft… I dunno

loveable – same as above

caring – about certain things

sweet – no, more sour

dorky – try ‘geek’ and there we are. ooh! ooh! or nerd!


5 letter word: Geike

actor/actress: I don’t know. Danny DeVito?

Candy: Cadbury Mini Eggs

Cartoon: Venture Bros.

Cereal: Crunch Berries or Count Chocula

Chewing gum: 5 Spearmint/Rain

Color(s): Yellow

Day of week: Friday

Least fave day: Tuesday

Flower: The skunk in Bambi (this answer was fucking genius)

Jello flavor: Orange

Jewelry: Dude, this is totally a girl’s survey…

Special skills/talents: Backrubs

Summer/Winter: Summer

Trampolines or swimming pools: the pool, man

|| Person who last.. ||

Slept in your bed: Aubrey and I

Saw you cry:  Wow, that was a looooooong time ago

Made you cry: Rocky Balboa

You went to the movies with: Aubrey and Austin

Yelled at you: Probaby Aubrey. Ha!

Sent you an email: uh, this site, actually (TRUE! A guy from WordPress who has been helping upload blog posts!)

|| Have you ever.. ||

Said “I love you” and meant it?:  Absolutely

Gone out in public in your pajamas: Multiple times

Kept a secret from everyone: I can’t tell you…

Cried during a movie: Oh, absolutely

Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: never

Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope

Been on stage: Yes

Been to New York: uh, yeah actually. We connected to another plane and went overseas in New York

Hawaii: No

China: yes, actually

Canada: Yes

Europe: A bunch of times

Asia: Isn’t China in Aisa?

South America: Not yet

Australia: nope

Wished you were the opposite sex:  Only for this survey…

What time is it now?: 2:37PM

Apples or bananas?: Apples

Blue or red?: Red

Walmart or target?: Target

Spring or Fall?: Fall

What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Continue to work. That’s right. I’m at work.

What was the last meal you ate?:  Ham sandwich with string cheese and a Coke

High school or college?: Neither

Are you bored?: no. I love girl-surveys.

Last noise you heard?: People “hard at work” talking

Last smell you sniffed?: Microwaved ham or my gum breath

Last time you went out of state/province?: Last summer. Back to Des Moines to visit.

|| Friendship/Love ||

Do you believe in love at first sight?: No.

Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: One or none

Most important thing to you in a friendship is: LOYALTY.

|| Other Info ||

Criminal record?: no

Do you speak any other languages?:  Not anymore.

Last book you read: Fables Deluxe book 8

Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: The bed.

Thing you dislike about yourself the most: What’s to dislike?

Worst feeling in the world: Longing for home in any regard

Who you love: Aubrey

Who you miss: uh… Boba Fett…

|| You ||

Nickname(s): Sky? I try to get people to call me “Ol’ Skyler Pants” Initials: SCB

How old do you look?: 25-30

How old do you act?: 20-25

Glasses/Contacts: glasses

Braces: Not these days!

Do you have any pets?: 3 Dogs!

You get embarrassed?: Sure

What makes you happy?: Building LEGO sets, music, playing FFXIV with the boys, spending time with Aubrey

What upsets you?: Currently? Constantly getting my ass handed to me by the Titanic Ant in Earthbound’s first dungeon. How terribly embarrassing!

|| Finish the sentence: ||

I Love to… The view during my commute home. Them mountains!

I Miss… Going to awful movies with Aaron Jaco on a regular basis

I Wish… I could just win the lotto

I Hope… Floats. Otherwise what was a bad movie

I’m Annoyed by… Peter (lol!)

I Am… GOD HERE! ARRRRGH! (<—- obscucre Lawnmower Man 2 reference)

I Want to Be… ah ah Under the Sea

I Would Never… Wear pink

I’d Rather… die than get killed! (LOL!)

I Am Tired of… this survey

I Will Always be… Skyler Bartels

|| Have you ever.. ||

Thought you were going to die: Yes.

Wanted to Run away: sure

Flunked a grade: Nope

Skipped a grade: I probably should have…

This took all damn day.

Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Laments the Theft of Sugary Goodness

Yep. Got me some more Buffy…

Uhm, what’s up? I had a crazy bad start today.

Was forced to wake up at 11:00, cable wasn’t working downstairs, my toast got burned, and people drank all my cocoa. PISSAH!

So I went back upstairs for another two and a half hours, watched some Buffy, played some FFX-2.

That Hooverphonic album is the best CD I’ve gotten in at least 2 1/2 years. That’s nuts. I have fallen in love, I swears!


I’m unusually lame about making this post rite now. Well, for what its worth, Happy New Year everyone, OOH! OOH!

My three resolutions:

1. I resolve to hold onto a bunch of money sose that I’s can buy Half-Life 2.
2. I resolve to end world hunger.
and 3. I resolve to maybe be a bit more nice to those who are less smart than I.

Someone ate my candy bar I got in London, too….

Added March 29, 2016
Remember Christmas breaks? Man. Now I’m lucky if I get Christmas Eve off of work.