Page 21 – New Advent Children Pics

Well, I got my folks started on watching Buffy. I think they enjoy it. They at least laugh when they are supposed to, which is good… I think…

Ok, get this. Our school issues out this scholarship that, if the guideance councilor picks, is available for only one student. But, if the teachers select, eight people can get it. It’s not allowed that grades or ACT scores be allowed in the decision making process; it is all about how far the student wants to take their life outside of high school.

So what I mean here, is that its a popularity contest. So of course I got no votes. HUZZAH! But what really bugs me is that the people who DID get the scholarships are the top eight students in my class. GRADES CAN’T BE ALLOWED IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS! ARRRGH! Half of these students aren’t even going to make use of college. Some of them will, yes. But there are at least two of them (no names here) that will spend thier time getting drunk and sleeping around with boys, probably ending up pregnant and dropping out of college before its over. WAHOO! Give ’em a frickin’ medal, why don’t ya!?

So that pissed me off, and then there is my Physics teacher, that thinks I lack the tact to know when to say innapropirate things. I call one fellow student “a big quiter” and everyone hears “big queer.” The teacher gives me a short lecture, and when I try to defend myself he doubts that I know “when to be politically correct and when not to be.” The stupid bastard wouldn’t have a word of it out of me. So, I say one last time “I said quiter!” and he says “I heard queer” and I say “well, then thats only because you wanted to.” And then he shut up. Stupid bastard….

PS: I found these Advent Children screens to be neat. One is of Barret, the other is of a certain even from FFVII. If you’ve played, you know.

Added March 29. 2016
The top picture is the original, the bottom is not.
I’d never looked at a still image of that bottom picture, before, for whatever reason. I love it. Makes me more excited for the remake.
I’m so happy that I’m done with scholarships, grades, testing, and the like. What a horrible life.
That deal with that fucker Mr. Smith will always linger with a sour taste in my memory. How abysmal. I hope he got, like, rabies of the butt or something.

Page 21 – Well, No Pics Today!

Well well well… How is everyone? As of late my posts have been short and full of pictures. Well, no pics today!

I think this final semester of school is going REAL fast. Each day I just breeze through it and get to the end. Its great. And time flies, because I look forward to watching Family Guy every weekday nite, and on Sunday nites I get to watch Home Movies and Space Ghost. If I keep this up, I’ll be outta here in no time!

Remember that book I wrote once, awhile back? Well, it might just help me get into college. Not sure though…

Uhm, I went to a Student Council convention today. Which sucked, cause school was out at noon today and I got home at 3. Poop-stick.

Anyhow, hope you’re all fine!

Added March 29, 2016
That final semester DID go real fast. Scary fast, actually.
Watching [adult swim] every night was the real treasure of my life, back then. When the time came to watch Home Movies on Sundays? It was like real life had actually begun.

Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Quotes Family Guy

Randy Newman (singing):

Fat man with his kids and dog
Came in through the morning fog
Hey there Rover, come on over.
[Lois (spoken)] “Well, it’s nice to have music while we eat.”
Red headed lady, reachin’ for an apple
Gonna take a bite- nope, nope.
She gonna breathe on it first, wipe it on her blouse…
She takes a bite,
Chews it once, twice, three times, four times. Stops!
Saliva workin’, takes a good long look at Randy
…five times
Fat old husband walkin’ over.
[Lois(spoken)] “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
They’re walkin’ down the road.
Left foot, right foot
Left foot, right foot

Added March 29, 2016
Ugh. Fuck Family Guy.