Page 21 – Dames

Space Ghost’s Wisdom of the day:

“Dames are like Mustard: they taste great on a sandwich. But when you’re not eating a sandwich… they just sit there in the fridge… on a shelf… in a jar… labeled… Mustard.”

Added March 30 , 2016
Such wisdom!

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

5 thoughts on “Page 21 – Dames”

  1. The best part about Xanga is that it said you had two comments, but when I clicked there were three. And then I went back and refreshed the other page and it still said two. And this one has three.
    That’s the best part of the whole xanga saga.
    Not really.
    But it was fun to write about while my soup cooks.


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