Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Takes on the Topic of Music Piracy

Ok, I saw this coming. Here is my second real beef with music piracy.

These artists work. They work hard. This is the lifestyle they have chosen and they deserve to get paid for it. And before anyone gives me bullshit about them having enough money, lets not forget that they don’t get every last $20 that the CD rakes in. There’s the producers, the company that made it, and what’s else, how are the boys of Metallica going to buy a space station without that cash?

If you work do a job, and a few people don’t like what you do, do you deserve a pay cut? Cause that’s what you’re saying when you talk about “only one or two good songs on a $16 CD.” That’s bullshit. If we all got paid less because we didn’t do our best one day, then they wouldn’t call it fixed pay. And if they didn’t have fixed pay, a ton of people would stop working.

So next time you download a song that you could go out and buy, think about how much you’d like it if someone stole work you did and you never got money for the that work. It would suck and you all know it. Ya stupid bastards.
PS: for clarification, read last post/comments!

Added March 30, 2016
Can you guess which side I took in this matter?
Justin’s views are the right views. These days, its just easier to buy individual tracks. That Justin, always a forward thinker.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

6 thoughts on “Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Takes on the Topic of Music Piracy”

  1. soooo, you kinda have some strong feelings on this issue?  to heck with this topic.  i can’t believe you got me in trouble.  *shakes head*  well actually i guess i can.  that’s rock and roll attitude right there. 


  2. Isn’t it lovely knowing that only about $2 of each CD even gets to the artist?
    Well, I’m still not going to pay $15-20 for a CD that has 1 or two songs on it that I like. So, I guess that either means going without, downloading them, or buying them for $0.99 each online.
    If I feel an entire CD is worth $15-20, I’ll easily spend the $15-20 on it.
    Like I said, that’s why I like the $0.99 downloads at the iTunes store.


  3. Another thing… there are many CD’s I’ve purchased simply because I could download and listen to the songs first. Bands I never would have considered otherwise.
    “What the hell is this?”*download*”Wtf… hey, this is sweet.”*whips out credit card*


  4. Did I say I wasn’t going to actually buy a Gackt CD? Because I am….I’m going to get his Mars album.
    Soon as I get some money for that friggen post that is….


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