Page 21 – Killing Someone I Know

WHOA! Wow, is that how you spell that?

Anyhow, got back from Vampire. We killed someone I know. That’s fun.

Uhm………. I guess there isn’t much to discuess tonite. We’re going to play music that my brother and I wrote. That should be fun.

And will I be playing the HL2 beta? Who knows…?

Added March 30, 2016
In the interest of never having anyone report me for imagining a murder of someone in my home town, I will never divulge the name of the person on this blog. Just know that they likely didn’t deserve it.

Page 21 – Shopping List with Zero Dollars

I might play through Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2 again. Those are fun games, I tell ya what!

Here are the things I need to buy:
Space Ghost Coast to Coast Season 1
Full Metal Panic! volume 5
Silent Hill 3
Excel Saga vol. 4
Megatokyo vol. 2
Metroid: Zero Mission
A Tin Man figure
The Crystal Method’s new album

Here’s how much money I have:

Added March 30, 2016
I did eventually purchase every last item on this list. I’ve since sold most of them to get cash to buy more useless junk.

Page 21 – Vindictivarious

Hey, music pirate suckahs!
You’re all a bunch of stupid morons. There, I said it…

I’m ok with the ‘try before you buy’ business. I’d have never liked Hooverphonic if I couldn’t do that. And I’m ok with it if it’s going to be a huge hassle for you to purchase the album. But you know what? You still should just friggin’ buy the stupid CD. I hope all of you that think its ok, in ANY FORM, have something you’ve created stolen from you.

You deserve it, ya stupid wankers…

Added March 30, 2016
I hope I in no way caused the fates to steal something from anyone with this post.

Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Takes on the Topic of Music Piracy

Ok, I saw this coming. Here is my second real beef with music piracy.

These artists work. They work hard. This is the lifestyle they have chosen and they deserve to get paid for it. And before anyone gives me bullshit about them having enough money, lets not forget that they don’t get every last $20 that the CD rakes in. There’s the producers, the company that made it, and what’s else, how are the boys of Metallica going to buy a space station without that cash?

If you work do a job, and a few people don’t like what you do, do you deserve a pay cut? Cause that’s what you’re saying when you talk about “only one or two good songs on a $16 CD.” That’s bullshit. If we all got paid less because we didn’t do our best one day, then they wouldn’t call it fixed pay. And if they didn’t have fixed pay, a ton of people would stop working.

So next time you download a song that you could go out and buy, think about how much you’d like it if someone stole work you did and you never got money for the that work. It would suck and you all know it. Ya stupid bastards.
PS: for clarification, read last post/comments!

Added March 30, 2016
Can you guess which side I took in this matter?
Justin’s views are the right views. These days, its just easier to buy individual tracks. That Justin, always a forward thinker.

Page 21 – Pee in the Trash Can

I came home today and had the strangest urge to pee in my kitchen trash can. Not sure why, or why you (the reader) would want to know, but that’s about the most interesting thing that happened in my day… OR IS IT?!?!?!

Ok, so we’re having class discussion in gov. today, and the topic of music piracy came up. People are discussing why people should not be sued and this and that, and then there’s people that discuss why they should. Like me. And because my opinion is different then other peoples (the majority, which is crazy! don’t they know better than to steal?), they feel they have the right to tell me to shut up. If I told everyone that had a different opinion to shut up, too many people would hate me. Wow, crazy shit…

In other news: I’m thinking about reddening my hair a bit. That should result in fun-ness, eh?

Added March 29, 2016
Why would I tell someone I’m peeing in a trash can.
I never colored my hair. Why would I? Who cares.
If those kids could see the amount of music I’ve “acquired” through other means?

Page 21 – Apparently [adult swim] Sucked the Night Before

maybe today will make up for yesterday? no school!

Man, last nite’s Adult Swim kinda sucked. Home Movies was only ok, and Space Ghost: C2C was only mildly funny. Although Bill Shatner WAS funny. And Sealab sucks now. Brak show was a repeat. Bah, what a waste.

Hopefully Family Guy will be good tonite!

Added March 29, 2016
All I do is talk about cartoons.
However was it possible that I liked Family Guy so much? Hm.